We understand sometimes problems occur, such as pain or swelling, and you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. At Crystal Dental Clinic, we are committed to offering same day emergency appointments. If you need to see an emergency dentist please contact our practice immediately on 01625422439.
Registered patients
We keep slots free every day for emergency appointments. We will always aim to offer you an appointment on the same day you ring. We have a limited number of same day emergency appointments available, so please call us as early in the day as possible.
We will try to offer you an appointment with your usual dentist for emergency appointments. However, if this is not possible, we will offer you an emergency appointment with one of our dentists. All our dentists have the same ethos, so you will receive the highest standards of care from all our dentists.
Unregistered patients
We understand how stressful and frustrating it can be when a dental emergency arises and you need to find a dentist as soon as possible. Our practice is a longstanding practice and has been providing dental care to the local community for many decades.
Even if you are not registered at Crystal Dental Clinic, we will still try to help you with your dental emergencies. We will endeavour to offer you an emergency appointment on the same day or the next day.
We will provide temporary treatments to relieve your pain or swelling or dress your tooth for a fixed fee. We can advise what kind of definitive treatments you may need for the dental emergency. You can then either return to us or to your registered dentist for follow up treatments.
For more information fill in the form below or call 01625 422439
* These fields are compulsary
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So friendly and kind! Had a fantastic experience here and she helped me so much.
H. Zara
We provide a valued service to the community here at Crystal Dental Clinic, improving the dental health of people of different ages and backgrounds.
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